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Plus a few books rory should add to her reading list
Depending on who you talk to, there are anywhere from 330-350 titles on the Rory Gilmore Reading List.
Only 3 of those titles are by black authors.
While the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge does a great job at featuring the voices of female authors, the reality is that this list could do a better job at including authors of color, especially black authors. Yes, the creators of Gilmore Girls didn’t intend for this reading list to become a popular reading challenge, and many books on the show were chosen just as props. Still, the result is that many people read through this list and don’t experience the benefits of a diverse reading list. So, I’ve added a few suggestions of what I think Rory Gilmore would have read or would be reading today, featuring some of the best classic books by black authors in fiction and non-fiction, famous books, and new books.
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I think Rory would be thrilled and excited to see Gorman, the youngest inaugural poet, be recognized for her talents. There are a few books of poetry on Rory’s list so this special edition would fit right in.
Being a Gilmore means being knowledgeable about the world of music. Rory would feel right at home learning about jazz and the Gatsby-esque feel of the novel.
I don’t know how Maya Angelou isn’t on the Rory list! Angelou is one of the most quoted and celebrated black authors and a name that immediately comes to mind. I have a feeling that Rory would want to read all of Maya Angelou books.
Rory doesn’t really read YA, but the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, one of the biggest YA series of all time, is on the Rory list twice. When Adeyemi’s book came out, the press was calling her the next J.K. Rowling. I think Rory would have picked this up to read, especially if she had thoughts about being a teacher because she’d want to experience the same books her students would be reading.
When I first read the synopsis, it reminded me of the magical realism Isabel Allende is so famous for. Rory is a big Allende fan, three Allende books are on the Rory Gilmore list, and I think Rory would have liked that aspect of The Water Dancer as well.
Rory interviews Obama during her time as the editor of the Yale Newspaper. This book was published in 2004 and the episode where Rory describes interviewing Obama aired in 2006. As Rory always goes above and beyond in the name of research, I think she would have read Dreams from My Father to prepare for the interview.
Rory is a huge Hilary Clinton fan, but I believe Rory would have been just as enamored with Michelle Obama. Rory would love reading about the politics, the family connections, and the journey of building a successful career as a woman. And yes, I think Rory would have passed this one on to Lorelai too.
Rory is not one to shy away from tough subjects: books on her list cover everything from the Holocaust to rape and abuse. We all know how educated Rory likes to be, so I think she’d check out every book on issues like racism so she could learn more herself and help to educate those around her.