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The Gilmore Book Club loves partnering with brands and authors to share everything that makes them special with my readers. Each partner is chosen with care to ensure it’s a product I can genuinely recommend and know our readers will love finding out about. I’d love to work with you!
According for ForceManager ,“Blogs are considered the third best online service for influencing purchase decisions. Retail and brand sites dominate, but blogs are more popular than opinions found on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, on forums or in online magazines.”
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There are many outlets where readers find book recommendations:
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Review Sites (Goodreads, Independent Book Review, Kirkus etc.)
But most advertisers only specialize in one area. Gilmore Book Club allows you to get in front of readers by utilizing as many outlets as possible!
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I have always had a way with words, but with pictures, well, it takes a lot of work for me to get a good one. I wanted something that would do justice to the worlds created in all of these glorious books. All credit is due to the amazing photographers who have given me permission to use their photos on this site and social media. Many, many thanks for helping the Gilmore Book Club get its look.
Alex Tomlinson
He almost threw out his back tacking pictures of pop-tarts for me. That's dedication!
Blaire Collins
When the final episode of Season 7 aired, Blaire was right there next to me. She's a true Gilmore Girl at heart!