Q&As about Gilmore Book Club Virtual Events

What is it and how do I join?

The Gilmore Book Club started as a blog, but is now adding a virtual book club experience! All you have to do is sign up here, read the book, and join us for the final discussion. For now, I’m planning on doing Book Club seasonally (Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall) just like A Year In The Life. However, I’m open to increasing our discussions in the future; we’ll see how it goes!

For now, the event will be free. There are options to purchase the journal pages to aid you in your reading journey and an option to buy a Gilmore Book Club Membership that gives you access to replay links of all past events. I do a lot of work on the site and preparing for book club meetings so these small costs helps support me in bringing you the best book club possible.


Do I have to read the book?

Finishing the book is not a requirement to attend this event. You’re welcome to join us no matter where you are in your reading journey. Of course, I hope you do read the book or plan on reading it, but what I really ask is that you show up to Book Club events with an open mind and heart. I know life can get in the way of plans and good intentions, so if you don’t finish the entire book by the book club event, no problem. You’re also welcome to join the event discussion if you read the book years ago, only got to read a chapter, saw the movie, or none of the above!

What is Book Club like?

We talk about books and Gilmore Girls of course! This isn’t Chilton or Yale where I’d be asking you to decode symbols, memorize quotes, and be able to name every character, date, and event mentioned in the book.  

Instead, we’ll talk about how the book relates to you: what you connected or didn’t connect with, what it made you think about, what questions you have. This is meant to be an open-hearted and honest discussion, there are no wrong opinions or feelings, we are open to whatever came up for you as you read this book. Please be respectful of everyone’s reading experiences and reactions.

What books will we read and discuss?

We’ll be reading books from the Rory Gilmore Reading List which covers seasons 1-7 of the original series; that should keep us busy for a while.  We won’t be covering books from A Year In The Life series at the moment. I’ll do my best to choose books that fit with a season and will always do a poll so you have a say in which book we read next.


Do I have to speak or turn on my camera?

 All events are open to everyone, whether you're feeling up for being on camera or not! Please come and participate as little or as much as you like. Your camera being on is TOTALLY optional. I understand that everyone has their own comfort level with this and some days have less energy to be vocal or on camera. Just come; I promise you won't regret it! 


What happens if I can’t make the event?

If you’re unable to attend the live event, you can still watch the replay! Just buy tickets for the event like usual and you’ll receive an email with the replay after the event.


What if I have more questions or want to make a suggestion?

You can contact me here or on social media at @gilmorebookclub.

Don’t forget to sign up for book club